The following documents provide general guidance for campus users to establish or modify state accounts, particularly as it relates to the determination of whether an account is deemed to be fringe reimbursable.
Creation or Modification of State Accounts
The Guidelines to Establish or Modify a State-Supported Account provides information for determining whether an account is fringe bearing or fringe reimbursable.
When requesting a new state operating account, please complete the Checklist to Request to Establish or Modify a State-Supported Account and ensure it is forwarded to the Budget Office by attaching to the KFS account create or modification document. Please add the College/Divisional Business Officer as an ad-hoc approver to the request. The Budget Office will not create or modify the account unless the CBO/DBO's or his/her designee’s approval is obtained first.
All new account requests and modifications are initiated in the Kuali Financial System. Please refer to the KFS Chart of Accounts Training Manual if you are unsure how to create or modify an account in KFS.