Calendar for FY 26 working budget schedule - updated February 28, 2025.
Thursday |
January 23 |
Divisions will receive security access instructions for their FY26 Working Budget users from their Budget Analyst.
Friday |
January 31 |
Campus users return to Budget Office user access sheets
Friday |
February 7 |
Open access to “Adaptive Planning “FY26 Testing Version” to key unit personnel
Week of |
March 10 |
Adaptive Training
Week of |
March 24 |
Adaptive Training
Wednesday |
March 26 |
Close Adaptive “FY26 Testing Version”
Thursday |
March 27 |
Adaptive Planning opens to CBO’s and DBO’s which includes Tracking Sheets
Tuesday |
April 8 |
Adaptive Planning opens to Departmental users
Thursday |
May 8 |
Adaptive Planning closes to Departmental users
Thursday |
May 22 |
Adaptive Planning closes to Divisions and Colleges
Monday |
June 30 |
FY26 Adaptive Planning Working Budget loaded into Workday