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Contact the unit/office of the finance organization for information.
Accounts Payable: 301.405.2640 / Open a Case with Accounts Payable / (External user can email to apinquiries@umd.edu )
Budget Office: Open a Case with Budget Office / (External user can send email to bfa@umd.edu)
Payroll Services: 301.405.5665 / Open a Case with Payroll Services / (External user can email to payrollservices@umd.edu)
Employment Verification: voe@umd.edu
Management Advisory Services: umdmas@umd.edu / 301.405.8471
Office of the Controller: controller@umd.edu / 301.405.2584
Working Fund: 301.405.2584 / Open a Case with Working Fund / (External user can email to workingfund@umd.edu)
Student Financial Services and Cashiering: billtalk@umd.edu / 301.314.9000
Office of the Controller - IT Support: otcsupport@umd.edu / 301.405.7537 / Open a Case